GeoFencing Service
Geo Fencing Services Help You Beat The CompetitionAdvertise To Your Competitors' Visitors!
Half The Cost of Most Geo fencing Services!
Call Us: 855-968-2242
Some Popular Geofencing Strategies
- Car dealers targeting other car dealers
- Injury attorneys targeting emergency rooms and physical and injury rehab centers
- RV dealers targeting other RV dealers
- Mattress and furnitue stores targeting their competitors
- Beauty salons and spas targeting other salons and spas
- Any business who wants to target their own visitors to stay in front of them online after they leave their business location
- Targeting wealthy neighborhood enclaves with a high-ticket offer
- Targeting local special events/trade shows
- Plastic surgeons targeting other plastic surgeons
- Politicians targeting a group gathering or neighborhood
- Any business targeting a factory to market various services or products to the employees
Quick overview of how geofencing works
- Send ads to people who visit your competitors location
- They cross a virtual satellite border that we put around your selected competitors’ physical business locations. We can geofence the whole building, select sections and rooms of the building or part of or all of their parking lot!
- Crossing that border (geofence) triggers their cell phone to run ads as they surf the internet, not only that day, but up to 3- 30 days later, depending on the industry
- They click your ad (while they are looking for what you sell) and are directed back to YOUR website
- Send your ads to sizzling hot prospects
- Highest targeted audience possible
- No hotter customer than one actively visiting your competitors
- You could add several extra sales per month
- Ask how we can retarget your website visitors to double your website’s conversion numbers through retargeting!
What Is Geofencing? How Does It Work? How Can It Revolutionize Your Business?
Geofencing happens by placing a satellite perimeter around a physical location–usually a place of business that gets several to many daily visitors–and that satellite geofencing triggers advertisements on the phones of the people who are physically visiting that physical location, with the ads triggered when they cross through the geofence we have set on all the edges of that location.
So if we had a geofence set on car dealers or group of car dealers in a town or city, or RV Dealerships, or Assisted Living Homes, or Emergency Rooms (popular among Personal Injury Attorneys), then we run action-themed advertisements to those visitors of the competitor locations or places where clients are likely to congregate (emergency rooms, therapy centers for injured, etc), we can put our client’s ads (hopefully your company!) in front of the hottest customers in existence, that group of prospects who are actively taking the initiative to physically visit those who sell what you sell. We put your ads front of those people, that day and in the days to come. and in many cases, you will end up getting a chance to market to and very possibly make a sale to several customers per month who may not have otherwise known of your company or not thought of you. Geofencing works!
The key is that your ads are going to run in front of potential clients who are ACTIVELY looking for what you sell!
Let’s discuss how we can help you utilize geofencing to reach your most ambitious sales goals.
Below are two different views of what a geofenced location looks like on a satellite view and a map view. In our free consultation discussion with you, we will answer your questions in detail.

Your ads can certainly be themed and branded to you, but the main idea is to catch the attention of this person who is currently visiting or very recently has visited your targeted competitor(s) and to put a very relevant ad in front of them repeatedly as they surf the internet for up to a month. Your ad running on your competitors’ visitors mobile device several times per day is possible.
If they are actively looking for a particular products or service, they will be hyper-sensitive to ads that address their current needs. That’s why they will notice and often respond to your ads!
By targeting your competitors’ visitors, targeted ads and ad dollars are far more effective than simple cold ads, because we are showing them ads while they are a hot customer.
Below are a few examples of successful ads. We will create your ads custom for your company. When your competitors’ customers click your ad, they will be sent to your website. That is when the sales start piling up for you!

Retargeting Ads Can Double Conversions From Your Website Visitors
Once someone visits your website, we can get them to come back with our retargeting ads service.

Let’s Talk! We are eager to answer your questions!
Geo Fencing Service
Division of Netwide Webs LLC
In business since 2003